

Welcome to the SenseNets Autoposter (alpha) docs!

1. Introduction

1.1 What is SenseNets Autoposter?

SenseNets Autoposter is a tool designed to bridge the gap between social media and research communication. It converts your research-related social media posts into nanopublications, which are machine-readable, citable units of research.
Key features:
  • Seamless integration with Twitter (X) (with support for more social media apps coming soon!)
  • Automatic detection of research-related content
  • FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data publishing standards
  • Options for automatic or supervised publishing
  • Persistent public data archival
  • Connection with ORCID for enhanced author identification
Whether you're a seasoned researcher or just passionate about building knowledge, SenseNets Autoposter helps ensure your valuable insights become part of the scientific discussion and receive the recognition they deserve.

1.2 Why nanopublish?

Nanopublishing through SenseNets Autoposter offers numerous advantages for researchers and the scientific community:
  1. Increased visibility: Your insights reach a wider audience beyond your immediate social media followers.
  1. Enhanced discoverability: Nanopublications are indexed and searchable, making your ideas easier to find for other researchers.
  1. Formal recognition: Transform informal communications into citable outputs.
  1. Rapid dissemination: Share your thoughts and findings in real-time, accelerating the pace of research discourse.
  1. Improved reproducibility: By making data easily accessible and by linking claims to evidence and authors, nanopublications support open and transparent research.
  1. Participatory research: anyone can nanopublish and join the research discourse! You don’t need to be a “professional scientist”. Read a paper you liked? Nanopublish that you read it! Have a question about some research? Nanopublish it! No contribution is too small.
By using SenseNets Autoposter, you're not just tweeting – you're actively shaping the future of research communication.
Finally, you’ll also have early access to new features we’re working on, and the ability to shape them. For example:
  • Aggregated research feeds from across social media (Twitter, Bluesky, Mastodon, etc)
  • AI natural language querying interfaces (”What are some highly recommended papers in AI right now?”
  • Create or follow curated research channels
  • Integrations with preprint servers to display nanopublications in context
  • If you have more ideas, we’d love to hear! Drop us a line at hello@sense-nets.xyz or join the SenseNets Discord.

2. Getting Started

2.1 Creating an account

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and configuring your SenseNets Autoposter account. Follow these steps to start nanopublishing your research-related tweets.
  1. Visit app.sense-nets.xyz in your web browser.
  1. Click on the "Get started" button.
  1. Enter your email address and click "Login/Sign Up" to proceed.
  1. Check your email inbox for a verification link and click it to confirm your account.
  1. Click on "Connect Twitter (X)" and follow the prompts to authorize the app.

2.2 Connecting your ORCID account

Connecting your ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) enhances the credibility of your nanopublications. When you publish your first nanopublication, you’ll be prompted to connect your ORCID account. Alternatively, you can connect your ORCID account at any time in the "Settings" page.

2.3 Setting up publishing automation preferences

Choose how you want SenseNets to handle your nanopublications:
  1. In your dashboard, navigate to "Settings" then "Publishing Automation".
  1. You'll see three options:
      • AI automated publishing: Our AI will detect tweets or threads mentioning research and automatically nanopublish them.
      • Reference-based automated publishing: SenseNets will automatically nanopublish any thread where you mention a research-related reference (e.g., DOI, ISBN).
      • Supervised publishing: You'll receive email notifications when the AI detects research-related posts. You can then review and edit draft nanopublications before publishing.
  1. Select your preferred option and click "Save Preferences" to confirm your choice.
Remember, you can always change these settings later as you become more familiar with the system.

3. Using SenseNets Autoposter

3.1 Publishing automation

SenseNets Autoposter offers two modes for publishing nanopubs, Automated and Supervised:

Automated Mode

  1. Tweet as you normally would about your research or cite research-related references.
  1. Your tweet will be automatically converted to a nanopub if it contains a research identifier e.g., DOI, ISBN
  1. The nanopub will be published to the nanopublications network without requiring your intervention.
  1. You'll receive a notification email with details of the published nanopub.

Supervised Mode

  1. Tweet about your research as usual.
  1. When SenseNets AI detects research-related content, you'll receive an email notification.
  1. Click the link in the email to review the draft nanopub or navigate to the “Drafts” section in the app, then click on the nanopub you want to review.
  1. On the review page, you can:
      • Edit the content of the nanopub
      • Add or remove semantic tags or keywords
  1. Once satisfied, click "Publish" to send the nanopub to the nanopublications network.

3.2 Editing & retracting nanopubs

Even after publication, you can edit or retract your nanopubs if needed.

Editing a nanopub

  1. Navigate to "Nanopubs".
  1. Click on the nanopub you want to edit then click "Edit".
  1. Make your changes in the editing interface. You can modify the semantic tags and keywords
  1. Once done, click "Save Changes".
  1. A new version of the nanopub will be created, maintaining the edit history.

Retracting a nanopub

If you need to retract a nanopub entirely:
  1. Go to "Nanopubs" in your SenseNets app.
  1. Click on the nanopub you want to retract then click "Retract".
  1. Click "Retract nanopub" to confirm the retraction.
Important: Editing or retracting a nanopub will not delete older versions from the network. For most purposes the previous/retracted versions will be invisible, but they are preserved to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.

4. How does the Autoposter work?

4.1 Autoposting Process

SenseNets Autoposter employs large language models (LLMs) and other automation techniques to make nanopublishing as easy as possible.
From tweet to nanopublication, the process is comprised of 5 main steps:
  1. Thread consolidation: We scan your Twitter feed for new posts and combine threaded posts to make sure the nanopublication contains the full relevant context.
  1. Detection of research-related posts. We use LLMs to to predict whether a given post (or thread) is a potential nanopublication. We also use the Citoid service to generate metadata about any references mentioned in the post. Posts that mention research-related references (DOIs, ISBN or other scholarly identifiers) are automatically classified as research-related.
  1. Content analysis. We use LLMs for semantic relation tagging and keyword assignment to enhance your posts’ Findability and Reuseability. See 4.2 for more details. You can always edit the LLM suggestions as you see fit!
  1. Nanopublication drafting. We convert your post and the LLM outputs into the machine-readable RDF format used by the nanopublication network. RDF enhances your posts’ interoperability and reuseability, ensuring your posts are easy for other applications to process.
  1. Publication. We notify you about your new draft nanopublication, or autopublish it, depending on the automation settings you’ve chosen.

4.2 Semantic Tags & Keywords Explained

By leveraging AI for content analysis and semantic tagging, SenseNets Autoposter aims to streamline the process of creating rich, discoverable nanopublications from your tweets, contributing to a more interconnected and accessible research knowledge base. SenseNets Autoposter uses both keywords and semantic tags to enhance the context and discoverability of your nanopublications.


Keywords describe what the content of your nanopublication is about. Similar to hashtags, they help categorize and make your work discoverable within specific subject areas or topics.
Characteristics of keywords:
  • Can be any relevant terms related to your content
  • Often include scientific disciplines, specific research areas, methodologies, or named entities
  • No predefined list; you can use any terms you find relevant
  • Help other researchers find your work when searching for specific topics
Examples of keywords:
  • Broad disciplines: #Biology, #Physics, #ComputerScience
  • Specific topics: #MachineLearning, #QuantumMechanics, #Epidemiology
  • Methodologies: #DataAnalysis, #Simulation, #CaseStudy
  • Named entities: #CRISPR, #HiggsBoson, #AlphaFold

Semantic Tags

Semantic tags, on the other hand, describe what you as the author are doing or thinking in relation to the content and particularly your relation to the references you're sharing.
Characteristics of semantic tags:
  • Describe actions, thoughts, or assessments related to the content
  • Help clarify your stance or the nature of your contribution
  • Enhance the discoverability and interpretability of nanopublications. For example, semantic tags make it easy to create specialized feeds for popular subcategories of posts, like recommendations of content.
Examples of semantic tags:
  • #summarizes: When you're providing a summary of research or findings
  • #endorses: When you're expressing support for a particular reference
  • #agreesWith: When you're indicating agreement with a statement or finding
  • #disagreesWith: When you're expressing disagreement or critique
  • #reviews: When you're providing a review or assessment of work

5. FAQs

How do I know which posts to nanopublish?

SenseNets Autoposter is designed to identify research-related content automatically. However, good candidates for nanopublication typically include:
  1. Tweets discussing or citing scholarly articles, books, or datasets (especially those with DOIs or ISBNs).
  1. Original research findings or insights.
  1. Critiques or analyses of existing research.
  1. Hypotheses or research questions you're exploring.
  1. Methodological discussions or tips.
  1. Recommended articles and sources.
  1. Opportunities such as jobs, events, and funding offers.
Remember, in Supervised mode, you can always review and decide whether to publish a nanopub before it goes live.

What happens to my original tweet when it's nanopublished?

Your original tweet remains unchanged on Twitter. Nanopublishing creates a separate, more formal record of the content in your tweet, but it doesn't alter or remove your social media post.

Can I nanopublish content retroactively?

SenseNets Autoposter is currently focused on new tweets, but you can scroll down in the app to retreive older posts. We're also exploring features to allow more efficient processing of your tweet history. Stay tuned for updates!

How does nanopublishing affect my copyright?

Nanopublishing doesn't change the copyright status of your work. You retain all rights to your original content. The nanopublication simply makes your ideas more accessible and citable within the scientific community. Nanopublications can also potentially enable more advanced licensing options for your content - more on that in future versions!

Is my data safe and private?

Yes, we take data privacy seriously. SenseNets only accesses the Twitter data you've explicitly granted permission for. We don't store your tweets, only the derived nanopublications.

Can I delete a nanopublication?

While you can't completely delete a nanopublication (to maintain the integrity of the scientific record), you can retract it. Retraction marks the nanopub as withdrawn, ensuring transparency in the scientific process.

How is nanopublication data used?

Nanopublications are public data and may be used by a variety of downstream apps.
Some examples include:
  • Aggregated research feeds from across social media (Twitter, Bluesky, Mastodon, etc)
  • AI natural language querying interfaces (”What are some highly recommended papers in AI right now?”
  • Dedicated research channels curated by individuals or groups
  • Integrations with publishing platforms servers to display nanopublications in context of the research they’re referring to.


Drop us a line at hello@sense-nets.xyz or join the SenseNets Discord.

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